Saturday, September 1, 2007

Prayer Letter - Sept, 07

PRYOR PRAYER LETTERSeptember 2007 Friends and Family, Fall is creeping up on us as the weather turns colder and kids head back to school. We're back at school, too! We have enjoyed our first three weeks of classes here at NTBI (our first step towards missions). God is teaching us so much through our classes! What a privilege to sit under two whole years of only Bible teaching! We so appreciate your prayers at this time as things are quite busy! Both of us are taking classes, Cameron is working and we are in charge of coordinating the intramural sports here at school. It's been a little hectic, but God is faithful and He has been teaching us so much! Prayer:j For us to keep our priorities straightj For us to make the most out of our chance to learn about God and His Word Praise:j For the good job Cameron hasj For all that God is teaching usj For all of you out there praying for us! Have a wonderful fall! In Christ Alone, Cameron and Katy Pryor